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Innovation in the town centre.

Altringham town centre received £100,000 from the High Street Innovation fund and haven’t spent a penny! So why is their town centre improving in spite of the challenging economic conditions we face?  I say let’s promote business near chesterfield not accept closure!

One of the bravest things you note from the outset is it only costs 10p per hour to park in the town centre car parks.

Altringham Forward” a group of councillors, Landlords and business owners meet on a regular basis and bring to the table innovative ideas to build their town centre in the face of negativity. Does this happen in Chesterfield, Derbyshire’s largest town?

One excellent innovative idea that has happened is the development of a “trader’s outlet”. A large struggling furniture store has allowed up to 50 small businesses to operate within their business allowing new entrepreneurs a chance at starting their business without the huge risk. The rents they pay (to the furniture store) are not ridiculously high and they pay monthly so they’re not tied into a long term lease.

Could this happen in the Chesterfield Co-op store? Could the Co-op down size a little and allow local clothes designers, artists, food producers etc. sell their products. Some could even use it as a work area (making their jewellery) and selling their products. The talented people around the area must be crying out for an opportunity like this? Isn’t this what a Co-Operative is?

As mentioned above, Altringham received £100,000 from the High Street Innovation fund. With this money they have created an interest free loan fund with repayments arranged around the specific needs of the individual businesses wishing to use the loan. This is not a finite fund but a recyclable fund that can be re-used over and over again.

“There’s a real feel of innovation, co-operation and determination to get Altringham town centre right” Said Angela Rippon, reporting for the One Show. Could this be a winning formula that Chesterfield Town centre can adopt? Is there a forum set up? If so can buildings like the Co-Op be used in a similar way to the furniture shop in Altringham?


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