The Peak District Three Peak Challenge
It's great to be lost in the right direction.

The peak district three peak challenge is a 25.5 mile hike through some of the toughest terrain in the Dark Peaks. It’s not to be taken lightly and participants should be physically fit, mentally motivated and equipped for the worst

Hi, my name is Adrian Close, author, scuba diver, outdoor pursuit’s fanatic and the occasional corpse for the Edale mountain rescue team –welcome to my web site and this very exciting new book.

I recently conquered the Yorkshire three peak challenge in just under 11 hours. I took the challenge on firstly because it’s there and secondly to find out if it was a challenge my young niece Bethan and daughter Anaïs and her friends could undertake.

Which Colour?

£1 from every sale will be donated to the Edale Mountain Rescue Team – A team I volunteer for

It was an excellent full day’s hike which is one of those that once started there’s no real opportunity to cut it short (unless you get a taxi like some of the hikers did). So it’s probably a little much for an eight year old and a thirteen year old.    

So not to stifle youngsters who are looking for a challenge I got to thinking. Is there anywhere I could organise a peak district three peak challenge for both adults and youngsters to have a go at. Then I thought if the peak district three peak challenge was in a figure of 8, hikers could choose a full day’s walk or split it in two with a fun overnight campout.

The problem was I knew which peaks I wanted to put in the challenge – Kinder scout, Mam Tor and Win hill but Lose hill got in the way. So to avoid all the negative feedback I would receive the peak district three peak challenge became the peak district four peak challenge.

So this is what I came up with - The Derbyshire Three Peak Challenge. I think it’s perfect with everything a recreational hiker could possibly need, whatever their age. There is a choice of camp sites, plenty of parking, a small shop for supplies, a couple of pubs, a hotel, a small train station, stunning scenery and the all-important public toilets.

Whether you’re doing it in one day or two days. Whether you’re attempting the challenge for charity or just because it’s there, have fun and enjoy.


The history of the peaks

Now, when I’m out walking I like to know what’s around me. I like to know why Mam Tor is called Mam Tor and what the significance, if any – to me, was the Mass Kinder trespass in 1932.

When I did the Yorkshire three Peaks I didn’t have a guide book or a clue what was around me, I just had my map and compass. To me the big bridge I walked past was the Harry Potter Bridge where they filmed the flying car scene and does Pen-y-ghent stand for never ending hill? So in this guide book I’ve highlighted all the history stuff in grey; so if you’re not interested you can skip over that bit and if you are - good for you.

Peak District Three Peak Challenge Route Summary

This is a 25.5 mile hike through some of the toughest terrain in the Dark Peaks. It’s not to be taken lightly and participants should be physically fit, mentally motivated and equipped for the worst.


Edale to Kinder downfall – 8.8 miles

From Edale we walk to and up Jacob’s Ladder and down the old pack horse route past Edale Cross down Oaken Clough. Then through Coldwell Clough to the Hayfield car park where the Mass Kinder trespass started in 1932. From the car park walk past the Kinder reservoir and up William Clough to meet the Pennine way. Follow the Pennine way to Kinder downfall.


Kinder Downfall to Edale – 5.6 miles

From Kinder head south to Swine’s Back then north east to Crowdens Tower and past Grinsbrook Clough. Continue around the upper rim passing upper tor and Nether Tor and then decend to Edale via the Nab.


Edale to Win Hill – 6.5 miles

Walk out of Edale to the main road, turn right then left passing Hardenclough farm heading to Greenlands. From here straight up to the road junction then to the top of Mam Tor. From Mam Tor head North East to Lose hill. Descend lose hill to the Edale road, turn right and up Bowden Lane to the top of Win hill.


Win hill to Edale – 4.6 miles

From Win hill head west following the path to Hope cross. Then through Jaggers Clough to the YHA. From the YHA follow the ups and downs back to Edale.





Adrian Close  - Author of Adrian’s walk - Roughin it in the Peaks